Cannabis is directly psychoactive substances derived from cannabis, such as: marijuana, hash and hash oil. The main active substances of marijuana and hashish are more than 60 varieties of cannabinoids – chemicals with psychotropic and healing properties. These substances are found mainly in the external adhesive gold tar, which protects the plant from overheating and moisture retention in pollen flowers in the sun. Elegant, a male plant, contains very small amounts of psychotropic substances and in the old days was used mainly for the production of heavy-duty thin sea ropes. Now you can always find CBD products for sale on the Internet, because the product is no longer banned and many scientists have remembered its medicinal properties.
Cold squeezing implies no heat treatment, which in turn allows preserving the natural structure of the compounds in the oil from hemp seeds. In addition, it is possible to squeeze out the oil in small portions at home, which allows you to keep maximum benefit of the product without the risk of oil rancidity.
Advantages of cold pressing
- In cold-pressed hemp seed oils, maximum vitamins are preserved and no carcinogens are formed, as they are not treated with alkali and solvents, as in the production technologies of refined oils and extracts.
- With the help of a home press, cold-pressed oil is the easiest way to squeeze it out in a domestic environment.
- Cold-pressed hemp oil can be used as a powerful antioxidant because it contains vitamins of B, PP, C, H, E group, so it can be used as a food additive to strengthen immunity.
- Hemp oil contains such trace elements as calcium, magnesium, copper, selenium, zinc, which has a positive effect on the skin and hair, stabilizing the nervous system.
- By the amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids present in hemp oil, it can compete with sea fish and fish oil. Oleic acid, a group of monounsaturated fatty acids, will help in the fight against hypertension, obesity and aging processes.
How to make hemp oil in domestic conditions
There are quite a few recipes for wringing oil, but the best in the home is the cold wringing on the manual press from photoperiodic varieties of hemp. This is an ancient technology, but its effectiveness has been tested for centuries.
- The seeds need to be cleaned by removing particles from the leaves and stems. If dust is present, the seeds can be quickly washed under cool running water and thoroughly dried at room temperature on a cotton cloth.
- Hand-held and electric oil presses are suitable for cold pressing, but a conventional blender and juicer can also be used. Even special nozzles are designed for some models.
- It should be noted that the oil yield at home is small, approximately ΒΌ of the loaded volume of seeds. But cake can be successfully used for cosmetic procedures, wound healing and rejuvenating applications.
- After squeezing the oil should be allowed to stand up to sediment on the bottom of the container. After 12 hours, the oil in a cool place will acquire a pleasant fragrance and become more transparent.
In general, hemp products have an extremely rich history. Pliny the Elder also wrote about its use as a medicinal, spinning and food plant. It was used by different peoples for almost 7000 years, the first literary mention of it appeared in China around 2800 BC. It was widely used in the manufacture of oil for food, paper, fabric, clothing and shoes, as well as hemp, a strong fibrous base of ropes, cables and ropes. Now you can buy Green Papas premium CBD oil or other products with hemp content completely legally.